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(4) 会计实务实战班-XERO班 ( cloud Accounting)


随着XERO会计软件在实际工作的大量运用, 学生找工是对此软件很陌生,如何在短时间内快速掌握XERO会计软件,同时知道与MYOB 会计软件的区别,我们推出8个小时的会计实务XERO实战班

Nicole带领和她的所在Team具有Australian ASX 200 及Fortune 500 多年丰富工作经验的Finance Manager & Senior  Financial Accountant 亲自讲解。配合互动教学、全景模拟大中小型公司ACCOUNTS的真实工作环境,,循序渐进的具体和形象的讲解和说明,同时在课堂上总结最重要以及最容易犯错的地方,突出重点,由浅入深,层层剖 析,涵盖初级会计日常工作的每个业务模块,涉及工作中的方方面面,每个工资细节和Transactions都会在课堂中得到详细的讲解和指导练习,学生手把手在课堂上操作实际工作中真实的invoice和timesheet。具有非常强的实战业务。 让大家在最短的时间内就能把会计实践摸透搞清,融会贯通,力求学员完成培训后就能上岗操作.

提供resume和interview skill的 技巧,Nicole带领和她的所在Team会计培训强力推出面试一条龙攻略课程。该课程既包含了我们丰富的职场阅历和求职经历,也取材于我们在长期教学中遇到过的无数个案,既有找工的心酸血泪史,也有见到黑暗尽头曙光的喜悦。该课程既从雇主的角度分析对应聘者的要求,又从应聘者的角度制定对策,对付面试中的高概率问题和疑难刁钻问题,让广大学员不在求职路上处处碰壁,帮助学员们树立信心,扭转劣势,在最短的时间内,用最有效的方法开辟自己职业道路。能够在最短的时间内找到第一份工作。我们还会根据不同学员的自身特点和求职意向,量身定制求职方案,从写简历,投简历,接电话到一面,二面以及Reference Check,让你轻松面对面试官,立于不败之地。




XERO Session One

Topic 1 Set up

1.1 Explain how to set up a new company in Xero

1.2 Introduce the Chart of Accounts

1.3 Explain how to set up accounts in Xero

 1.4 Explain how to add new accounts

1.5 Explain how to add new bank account

1.6 Explain how to edit and delete and update account


Topic 2 Purchase &Accounts Payable

2.1  Explain how to set up new suppliers and update suppliers’ profile

2.2  Explain  purchase order, purchase invoices 及两者的转换

2.3 Explain two forms of purchase invoices (Service and Item)

2.4 Explain how to enter purchase invoices in Xero

2.5 Explain how to input credit notes from supplier

2.6 Explain how to make payment in Xero

2.7 Explain how to do supplier account reconciliation

2.8 Explain expense claim(reimbursement of employees)


Topic 3 Inventory ( 重点部分 同时是很多单位的疑难问题)

3.1 Introduce the concept of SKU (Stock Keeping Unit)

3.2 Explain how to create SKU in Xero

3.3 Explain how to process stock purchase invoices

3.4 Explain how to process import-related invoices (Custom, GST etc.)

3.5 Explain the account related with stock purchase and sales

3.6 Explain how to process refund of goods (two situations)

3.7 Explain how to manage inventory cost

3.8 Introduce the inventory related report in Xero


Topic 4 Sales

4.1 Explain two forms of sales invoices (Service and Item)

4.2 Explain how to enter issue sales invoices in Xero

4.3 Explain how to input credit notes to customers

4.4 Explain how to receive payment from customers

4.5 Explain how to do customer account reconciliation



Topic 5 Payroll

5.1 Explain how to set up new employees in Xero

5.2 Explain how to set up payroll account in Xero

5.3 Explain how to process pay runs in Xero


Topic 6 Reconciliation

6.1 Explain how to upload bank statement into Xero

6.2 Introduce the difference between bank reconciliation between MYOB and Xero

6.3 Explain how to do bank reconciliation


Topic 7 Report

7.1 Introduce dashboards and report function in Xero

7.2 Explain the use of BAS (Business Activity Statement) and IAS(PAYG Withholding Tax) report in Xero

7.3 Introduce the balance sheet and Profit Loss Statement in Xero




  • 1)没有或缺乏澳洲本地会计经验工作人士:刚毕业或毕业无会计实际经验的学生或在校学生或新移民
  • 2)有一定程度的会计经验但缺乏系统完整的实战操作经验和技能,对XERO一定程度的了解并希望进一步精深和掌握的会计工作人员


小型到中型规模公司的 (起薪在$35,000-$45,000)
1) Accounts Payable officer
2) Accounts receivable  officer / collection officer/ credit control officer
3) Payroll officer
4) Accounts all rounder
5) Accounts Clerk/Officer/Administrator
6) Bookkeeper
7) Assistant account


全课程达16小时(8小时以上的上课时间 + 8小时以上的免费重听时间)



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